After her grade school years, Helen Gwozdz Miller graduated from St. Stanislaus Kostka School in Adams, Massachusetts. This is where she received her formal Polish education. (She later also studied Latin, French, and German.) After her high school years, she graduated from St. Joseph’s High School in North Adams, Massachusetts. She graduated from Elms College in Chicopee, Massachusetts with a BA in mathematics and a minor in chemistry; she also studied philosophy and theology at the Elms. She has thirty graduate credits in mathematics at Fordham’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
She has been a parishioner in several Catholic parishes throughout her life, and is currently a parishioner at Our Lady of Lourdes, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, where she has been for more than thirty-five years. She previously taught CCD there and was a member of the adult choir, and a member of a women’s spiritual reading and faith sharing group.
She is now retired, after a career in information technology.
She has three children and their spouses, and eight grandchildren, and resides with her husband, Frederick, in Clinton Township, New Jersey.